Thursday, April 14, 2005

On the Road

When I was in Paducah yesterday, I picked up a copy of Jack Kerouac's book, On the Road . I thought it would be different if i read a book that didn't involve sports or law. Right now, I'm on page 72, and the main character, Sal Paradise, has made it across the country and is staying with his friend Remi Boncoeur and his girl, Lee Ann. Kerouac tells the story from the first person perspective of Sal, ala Holden Caufield. I noticed that you don't actually learn Sal's name until you are over 50 pages into the book. I'm sure that's significant and that lots of people have written lots of observations on that over the years.

I like Kerouac's writing style - On the Road is an easy read with a realistic take on one side of the American Dream. I may write more about this in the future.


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