Friday, May 06, 2005

Projectile Vomiting

Well, my little 20 month old angel gave Mommy and her 2 little cousins a little present tonight on the way to dinner at W.W. Cousins - projectile vomiting. Poor little trooper, I think it surpised her more than anything else. She didn't know what to think. She's sitting their fine in her car seat one minute, and then, wham, she's off like Carrie Fischer from the Exorcist.

We drove back home, hosed down the car seat, hosed down the child, and gave her a bath. She doesn't have a fever, must be just a little 24 hour bug.


At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey big brother, that would be Linda Blair, not Carrie Fischer. Although, Carrie Fischer may have shot off some good projectile vomit trails before rehab!


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