Friday, May 20, 2005

Dude Looks Like a Lady (Part 2)

We just arrived home from the Dude Looks Like a Lady Cancer Benefit at Tom Sawyer Park. Jenny's friend Michelle is a cancer survivor, and she told me I did a great job. Blush, blush. There was a great turnout, with a ton of tents set up and lots of folks there with their families. Thanks to all my friends and Jenny's friends who showed up to cheer me (aka Virginia Ham) on to a solid 3rd place finish. My daughter didn't know quite what to make of Daddy when I showed up. After about 1/2 hour, she warmed up enough to let me hold her hand.

I got beat out by a guy wearing Daisy Dukes with a toy horse, handcuffs and guns, and, by a guy in a gorilla suit dressed in drag. Freakin' novelty acts - I just went old school on the lot of them and wore a short skirt and lip synched a Diana Ross tune.

Monday at work should be fun. I'm sure that I will have a picture or two posted in the office of me in all my glory. Charity sure can hurt sometimes.

When I get some pictures from the folks who took them, I'll throw them up on the web site for all to see.

I am out.


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