Should we kill all the lawyers?
OK - good - I got your attention. Was Shakespeare right? Is the world a better or worse place for having lawyers? Please leave your comments.
Reasons the world might not be better off...
Lawyers don't build anything, create anything, or repair anything. Police officers protect and serve, plumbers make my pipes and sink work, fireman keep my house from burning down, auto mechanics make my car run, doctors keep me from dying.
Lawyers...well, we talk a lot, we stick our noses where they don't belong, we're pompous, aggressive, egotistical, and arrogant. And those are the good qualities we possess.
We go to school for three years where they teach us "how to think like a lawyer" (if you want a good read on the first year of law school, read the book "One-L" by Scott Turow). Thinking like a lawyer means forgetting how you thought before you arrived at law school, and learning to parse and separate every word and phrase that your colleagues write and speak. Thinking like a lawyer means understanding that there is a clear difference in your client being "innocent" as opposed to "not guilty". I always hated having "innocent" clients - the ones that the state had to prove their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt were easy to defend.
Lawyers get paid first. In any lawsuit or case I've ever been involved with, the lawyers receive the first dollar paid out. We do not stand by the side of the road with a sign that says "Will practice law for food."
Lots of law students, when asked "Why do you want to be a lawyer" say "Because I want to help people." It's supposed to be a noble profession. It just doesn't feel very noble a lot of the time.
So - do we kill all the lawyers?