Monday, June 06, 2005

Michael Jackson Verdict Watch (Day 2)

The jury has finished deliberating for the second day in the Michael Jackson trial - no verdict yet. If this jury was going to let him walk free, they would have done it today. Every day that passes puts Michael Jackson one step closer to the penitentiary. The longer that the jury deliberates, the more I think that they will convict him of something, and that there is maybe one or two holdouts in the jury room that need to be convinced further by the others on the jury.

The criminal confinement charges are bogus; I never understood why the prosecutors included those charges (then again, usually prosecutors throw everything at a defendant, with the hopes that the jury will buy one of the charges - if you throw enough poop on the wall, some of it will stick).

At this point, he either gets convicted, or at worst, the jury can't reach a verdict and is hung, which means that the Great State of California gets to put this circus on again.


At 12:58 PM, Blogger ... said...

Either way it turns out, I hope it is not hung as the tax payers and those of us that would like to see something else on the news deserve better than that.


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