Saturday, March 05, 2005

Mr. Mom

First of all, I apologize in advance for this post. It is a typical blog post in that I'm writing about what I did today and yesterday, just like the other millions of bloggers on the web. No, my life isn't anymore interesting that anyone elses, but, I've chosen to write about it. So read this entry if you want. If you don't want to, go to ESPN.COM and read about steroids in baseball or go to COURTTV.COM and read about Michael Jackson or Martha Stewart.

It's Saturday night, and my little one is off to bed. I've been Mr. Mom this weekend because Mrs. Charlie Lee is in Washington D.C. at a teachers conference. One thing I've realized about my daughter Abby this weekend is that this kid can EAT. Friday night we went to St. Pius' fish fry, and she ate ALL of my green beans, ALL of my mac and cheese, and about a quarter of my fish. She's 18 months old and is not overweight or fat in the slightest bit.

Today, it was more of the same. It's a good thing she runs around like a maniac and burns all that food off. After lunch today, we went to Toys-R-Us and purchased her the Little Tikes plastic bowling ball and pins. She doesn't want to roll the ball at the pins; she picks up the ball and DROPS it on the pins. Abby's method seems to work just fine. Maybe Pete Weber should try that on the Pro Bowlers Tour.

Tomorrow, it's church with my folks in the morning, and then they are taking us to breakfast at Golden Corral - where the sign at the door has been amended to say "All you CARE to eat," not "All you CAN eat." I love chowing down at the Golden Corral - what a cool name for a restaurant. Why don't they just quit fooling around and call it "Golden Trough?" Abby and I are going to make sure Golden Corral loses money on the price of our admissions.


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